Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Picture Perfect!

Confession time! My passion is telling stories through the use of vibrant colorful pictures! The number of pictures is bound to grow as I am proud to announce that I am now a member of the North East Iowa Photography Club and a Flickr 365 group. Let me know what you think of the photos and my photography skills as well as what you would like to see.

For you mom!

I am starting this article off with a picture of a dandelion. I love this picture for a variety of reasons. First of all, the flower is very clear, bright, and vibrant. I guess I did stand still while taking it. Second, the background is out of focus; thus, causing the dandelion to stand out while adding depth to the picture. For the record, I have never thought of dandelions as weeds because I always pick dandelions for my mom which is the third reason I love dandelions. Mom would display them in a jelly jar. Now I pick a bouquet of dandelion every spring and place them on mom's headstone. Awww, the memories!

Stunning blossoms!

This picture was taken during the spring 2019 Amish Greenhouse tour, Canton, MN. I was so impressed with how healthy the plants were and the huge selection of plants. Prices were also very reasonable.  

White Day Lily!

This picture was taken a few weeks ago. I planted Day Lilies in the rock flower bed along the driveway next to the lilac bushes bordered by the barb wire fence. This plant was planted in 2018 and is stunning.

Day Lily!

Gotta admit I am enjoying taking macro pictures this summer. Thankfully, there are plenty of beautiful flowers to take pictures of.

Sunflowers are grown from birdseed!

This beautiful plant is located next to the front patio at the Green Lea Manor nursing home in Mabel, MN. I was told that a resident was feeding the birds wild bird feed and this is the result of her efforts. The picture was taken in the summer of 2019. 

"Licking my lips"
 Another attempt at taking macro photos. I believe that I was successful because when I showed it to Sylvia she smiled and licked her lips; thus, making me smile.


Fall 2019 Cresco, IA

Fall in northeast Iowa is absolutely stunning. I need to take more photos this year.

"Absolutely Beautiful"

 I love these flowers.

"Swamp Milkweed"

These plants were planted in 2015 to attract Monarch butterflies which have proved successful. Now they are spreading which I was not aware they would do. It looked like they spread to a flower bed that I don't want them in. Now to figure out what to do. A very pretty plant.

"Day Lilies"

This Day Lilies were planted in 2014 in the first flower bed I planted after moving back to Iowa. This picture was taken in 2017 and the flowers look amazing and are located in what I call the Doggie Bed.

"Doggie Bed"

I like to name all our flower beds. It is fun to think up names plus it makes it easier to refer to a bed by name when I am talking about a specific bed. This bed is the first one I planted when I move back to Hesper, IA in 2014. One of my favorite beds and I love this picture.

Have a great day! Charlene

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