Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Spring Has Arrived

Today is the perfect day to check out the flower beds as the sun is shining, causing the dirt in the beds to dry out. Bet the ground will start to warm up now after a couple of sunny days. This year I promised myself that I would document the process of creating beautiful flower beds. It is fun and educational to see the evolution of the beds throughout the seasons.

Yes! The daylilies have broken through the dry leaves and dead stalks. This morning I counted seven daylilies in the rock bed and four more in the morel mushroom bed. I can hear the question swirling around in your mind. Nope, wooden morel mushrooms. I believe that every daylily flower I planted in 2017 and 2018 survived, and they look like they are multiplying. Eager to see them grow and watch the blooms appear.

More daylily flowers breaking through the wet spongy black dirt. I am waiting for the ground to dry out before I clean the beds, so none of the plants break. Don't they look healthy!

The beautiful red peony stalks are reaching for the sun. I can't wait to see their plate-size bushy cotton candy pink blooms next month.

My cousin's husband, Kevin, introduced me to sedums about six or seven years ago when he suggested I plant one by my parents' headstone. It was a perfect choice, and now there are four planted in the flower beds next to the house. Sedums are so easy to grow, plus they flower late summer and produce beautiful flowers in a variety of warm fall colors. If you do not have any sedums growing in your gardens, I highly recommend that you consider adding them to your flower beds.

I must admit that I love adding artistic features to flower beds, vegetable gardens, and lawns. My favorite feature in the yard is this birdhouse made by a former neighbor. The birdhouse provides the centerpiece for a corner in our yard. Flowers have not started to appear, but the field behind the house makes for the perfect background any time of year. The wooden post and barb wire fencing and the netting, as well as the metal bar, adds dimension. The finishing touch is the vines that are twisted around the pole and wire and surround the house.

Get outside and enjoy being creative!