Thursday, January 17, 2019


As an amateur gardener that loves gardening, playing in the dirt, and experimenting with plants and design, there are seven activities that I take part in each January. These tasks are inspirational and help me get started planning my gardens. After decades of gardening, it has become a tradition of mine to start researching new gardening ideas on New Year's Day. I doubt I am the only one that spends New Year's Day this way.

Tip #1: Settled in on a cold snowy Iowa day with a hot drink and start searching gardens on the World Wide Web (www). There are thousands of websites that contain a wealth of information along with stunning pictures for ideas and inspiration. I also recommend joining Facebook gardening groups for dates on upcoming garden shows, ideas, support, and inspiration. It may take time to find a Facebook group that you feel comfortable belonging to. Plan on spending the entire day as there are lots of ideas to get your creative juices flowing. Don't forget to save your favorite web links so you can go back later and review the information. I suggest keeping a virtual or a paper notebook with ideas and pictures. Don't forget to check out YouTube for DIY videos and Pinterest for ideas. I hope I have not overwhelmed you!

Tip #2: I have to admit I love visiting garden centers, nurseries, gift shops, botanical centers, and farmers' markets. These properties not only challenge all five senses, but they also make for a fun day trip. Day trips are the perfect way to chase away the winter blues! Don't forget to take pictures! This is not only a winter activity but a year-round activity. Last summer a friend directed me to a country store in SE Minnesota. Newburg Vintage Home and Garden, located in the village of Newburg, is a quaint gift shop located in a historic country store surrounded by beautiful gardens where you can sit and enjoy homemade baked goods. They are open during the winter on Friday and Saturday from 11:00am to 3:00pm so make sure to stop by for gardening gifts.

Tip #3: Dedicate a few pages in your bullet journals or keep a journal just for gardening. Don't have any ideas for page designs! One example is to create two pages for a garden calendar. The calendar will provide you with a map to achieve your gardening goals. For other ideas, search the internet for bullet journal pages for gardening images. You will find more examples than you will ever need.

Tip #4: Now that you have gathered all your ideas and pictures, it is time to organize your thoughts. There are plenty of tools out that will help you organize your thoughts. As an artist, I love to draw illustrations of my gardens.

Tip #5: Maybe not the most enjoyable activity but definitely an important if not critical task that will minimize stress and make gardening enjoyable. Highly recommend creating a budget for your gardens. Budgets can be developed by using a spreadsheet such as Excel or keeping track of expenses in a ledger.

Tip #6: Winter is the perfect time to take classes and hang out with other gardeners. Contact your local Master Gardeners or Extension Office or area garden center for a list of upcoming classes. Just ran across registration information for Cedar Rapids'  Winter Garden Fair which looks like the perfect event for fellow gardeners.

Tip #7: If you have not gotten hooked on Pinterest yet, I highly recommend setting up a Pinterest account and start creating your first board. Searching and pinning will keep you busy for hours. You will find so many ideas that you will want to head out and start digging up your gardens.

Have fun!

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