Saturday, July 7, 2018

Daylilies Now My Favorite Flower

Last July, I was introduced to nearby Oak Hill Farm after seeing their ad in Inspire(d) Magazine They are locally known for the beautiful daylilies they grow on the family farm. Almost immediately after seeing the ad, I saw a friend's post on Facebook describing her trip to purchase daylilies. After reading her post and seeing her pictures, I was anxious for the weekend so that we could visit the farm. On Saturday, Tony and I took a quick trip across the border to  Preston, MN, to visit Oak Hill Farm and tour their flower beds. The farm was easy to find as it located on State Highway 52, 4 miles south of Preston. Watch for the large welcome sign on the west side of the road if you plan to visit.

As I drove down the driveway surrounded by cornfields, we rounded the corner and came upon a historic stone farmhouse and two rustic barns. The home and farm buildings surrounded by manicured lawns and spectacular flower beds greeted us. Tony and I spent the afternoon chatting with the owners, walking among the flowers while drinking a cold drink provided free by the owners, and taking pictures made for a relaxing afternoon. Not only did Tony and I tour the gardens, but we also went home with three healthy plants. 
The pictures above are the result of our efforts last July. After removing rocks and weeds, we added fertilized enhance soil and watered the new plants every morning during the hot Iowa summer weather. After crossing our fingers all winter and spring that they would survive, we are pleased with the results. The plants are healthy, and the blooms are large and brightly colored.

It is time to plan another trip to Oak Hill Farm for this year's purchase. The big questions are how many and what colors.

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