Sunday, November 19, 2017

Motivation Restored

The last post touched on my lack of motivation to get outside and clean up the three flower beds.

Now I am wondering why I didn't get out there sooner as bed number two looks awesome after only one hour of digging in the dirt this past weekend.

Saturday I read about Hidden Springs Flower Farm just 1 1/2 miles north of Spring Grove, MN on County Road 4. Fields of blooming Peonies filled my view with an array of vibrant colors. Thank you to a Facebook friend for sharing this hidden secret with her Facebook friends. I checked it out and came home with two purple-leafed Sedums. It did not take long for me to get outside and dig up the weeds making room for two tender plants that needed a home. The bed is full of plants that appear as if I have lovingly cared for them these past three years. As you, my faithful followers know I have not been taking care of them. The bed is filling out as I had planned. This is the bed protected by the big white dog.

It makes me wonder if I fret too much about the beds.

Tonight it is raining and am looking forward to seeing the plants come alive when the sun pops out in the morning.