Saturday, May 28, 2016

Determined To Have The Upper Hand

Arriving home last night after work, I immediately checked out the flower beds to see how many weeds had popped up after a couple days of rain. The flower beds on each side of the front porch had more weeds than I wanted to see. The bed on the side of the house did not have any weeds which I eagerly attribute to the newspaper covering the ground under a 2" layer of rich potting soil. The soil was to wet for hoeing. Hanging my head I slowly made my way into the house.
Morning came quickly. I noticed the high level of humidity and the thick fog that had rolled in overnight. I headed outdoor to see if the soil was dry enough to hoe. Being impatient I started to hoe through the soil looked wet. Turns out the soil was the perfect conditions for hoeing. Before I knew it the weeds were all gone.

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