Monday, July 4, 2011

The Swimming Hole

The little boys, Christian and Damien, came over yesterday while their mom and dad ran errands in Albuquerque. Today was the perfect opportunity to work in the garden with them. Since it was close to noon and there was not any sunscreen to spray on them,  I decided it would be safest if we planted tomato plants in the pots by the front door. The plan was to keep the boys from getting dirty while having fun. The moment water was needed, the "keep them from getting dirty" plan went out the window.

Christian was assigned the task of filling the bucket with water. While filling the bucket, he took it upon himself to water the dirt in the rose garden. Damien saw the results of Christian's hard work and announced that the 'water hole' was a swimming pool and immediately preceded to jump in it.

Thinking the boys were okay, the planting continues until Damien began to cry. As he walked around the corner of the house, it became clear why he was crying. His face was covered in mud, thanks to Christian.

It required the use of the hose to clean off the boys. They stripped down to their undies before they came in the house. Being in the rough brought a big smile to each of their faces.

After the three of us successfully planted the tomatoes, the boys and I laid down for a two-hour nap.

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