Sunday, July 3, 2011

Excited About Worms

After less than five years attempting to garden in the hot New Mexico sun and a barren yard filled with sand, it is exciting to finally see worms helping themselves to the leftover food left in the Secret Garden. Before continuing, it is important to note that the gardens on Rough Court all have names. The Secret Garden lies on two sides of the Yellow Brick Road hidden by two evergreen trees. The g-kids love to play in this garden because no one can see them, thus the name, Secret Garden.

The fat juicy grubs and the skinny white worms make themselves at home and are enjoying themselves to banana peels, eggshells, corn husks and cobs, grapes, and herbal tea bags. Hopefully, more will call the Secret Garden home, so one day, the sand will be transformed into rich black dirt like I remember gardening in on the family farm in Iowa. 

This morning unnamed tomato plants were transplanted to the Secret Garden to see how they fare. The seedlings started as seeds in a student's 4' X 4' raised bed. The plants needed thinning out, so the removed plants are firmly planted and soaked with water in the shaded Secret Garden with the hopes of producing bushels of tomatoes. 

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